Before watching Part Two of our movie, make sure you've watched Part One. This movie continues on Serena and Ashleigh's big adventure. What will happen to them? Will they get out of the toybox?
We are a class of 14 five-year olds from Glen Innes in Auckland city. We hope you enjoy our blog as you find out what we love to do, and what we are learning.
Wednesday, 11 November 2020
Team One worked together to create a Wheely Whacky movie. We hope you enjoy watching what happened to Serena and Ashleigh one day at school.
Saturday, 29 August 2020
Brian's Learning - 27.8
Brian has been continuing his weather chart. He has also practised writing the letter G using his neatest handwriting, as well as learning the sight words from his Reading Log. Awesome work, Brian!
Here's Brian doing some Reading. Mum tells me that he also practised the sight words. You are amazing, Brian! Never stop learning!
Thursday, 27 August 2020
Koloti's Learning 27.8
Today Koloti practised the sight words and enjoyed listening to the story 'The Gruffalo'. He also practised learning the doubles to 20, learnt to read numbers to 600, and played some Maths games on the laptop.

Wednesday, 26 August 2020
Koloti's Learning - 26 August
Koloti continues to learn every day. You are awesome! Here he is practising writing the letter F f, and writing some words that begin with 'f'.

Koloti loves playing the Maths games on his laptop. Mum also said he practised reading numbers up to 500, and practised reading all the sight words. Wow, Koloti! You are really doing some excellent Home Learning.
Brian's Learning - 26 August
Brian found a few things that begin with the letter/sound F. He found a Fire extinguisher, a Fork, a Five dollar bill, some Fish portions, and a Folder.
Brian also practised neatly writing the letter F and f. Nice pencil grip, Brian. And, he also drew the life cycle of a butterfly. From caterpillar to butterfly. Keep up the awesome work, Brian! 😀

Tuesday, 25 August 2020
Tuesday 25 August
Today's learning was focussed on the letter P. Here are some photos of what Koloti, Brian, and PJ did at home
PJ practised writing the letter P, and drew some awesome pictures of things around his house that begin with the 'p' sound. Well done, PJ.

Here is Koloti writing some very neat Ps, and his finished work with some words that begin with P. Great work!

Monday, 24 August 2020
PJ's Learning. 24 August
PJ has been doing some Maths at home. He found some items from around his house and made three groups of 10. How many is that altogether? 10 + 10 + 10 = ? We could say 3 lots of 10 equals....or 3 x 10 = ?
PJ also made a couple of paper planes. I bet he had some fun flying those. I wonder if one flew better than the other.
Brian's Learning. 24 August
Today we have been learning about the weather. Brian drew two awesome pictures. This one is a picture of him out on a sunny day playing on his trampoline. I love the detail in your picture, Brian.
This second picture is of a rainy day. I can see the raindrops falling onto the roof of your house, Brian. Luckily you are safe a dry inside, and have a huge smile on your face! Nice.
Koloti's learning - Monday 24 August
Today Ms Squires created some learning about the weather.
Koloti started a weather chart, and has shown what the weather was in the morning and in the afternoon. (It's been a bit wet in Auckland today).
He also practised reading some sight words
And he made groups of ten, and practised reading numbers up to 400! Great job, Koloti.
Friday, 21 August 2020
Brian's Drawing
Brian drew this great picture of a caterpillar and a butterfly. How many legs does that caterpillar have? Can you count them in twos?
P.J.'s Home Learning
It was fabulous to see P.J. at our Team Assembly this morning. He has done some awesome handwriting of the letter Bb, and also drawn an awesome picture of a bus. Fantastic, P.J. Keep up the wonderful work.
Thursday, 20 August 2020
Koloti has been working online at home. He has drawn an awesome fish, and written a sentence about his picture. Great job, Koloti! He has also been playing some of the games, and practising his Reading and Maths skills. He is having fun learning at home with his Mum and his sister.
Monday, 15 June 2020
PENN Term 2
Friday, 29 May 2020
Keep Your Distance!
Monday, 25 May 2020
What a great start back at school.
Enjoy our movie showing our week of fun.
Wednesday, 13 May 2020
Home Learning
Friday, 8 May 2020
A Hard Worker!
Koloti has been working so hard over the lockdown period. He and his Mum make sure they do some Writing, Maths and Reading each day. Great job, Koloti. Keep up the awesome work. And, a BIG THANKS to his Mum for helping.
Wednesday, 6 May 2020
What? A volcano??
Team One teachers made a movie while they were in lockdown. Even adults need to learn new things! We each filmed our own bits at our houses, and filmed the group bit on a google meet. Then the amazing Miss Squires put it all together. And as usual, we had a lot of fun working together. I hope you enjoy our movie.
Monday, 16 March 2020
This is us!
Friday, 21 February 2020
Maths Investigation
Tuesday, 18 February 2020
Friday, 14 February 2020
Then, to make an even great day better day, after lunch we had Team Sports outside. It was really hot! But we all had fun running, jumping, and kicking. We love Team Sports.